The last month or so

Three weeks ago I ran my first half marathon (13.1 miles). I started training for it about 12 weeks before the race date. I was rather happy with my race time of 1hour 58 minutes because I really wanted to get under 2 hours. That is roughly equal to a 9min mile pace. I have signed up for another half marathon in September and I have a goal getting under 1hour 45min- that is about a 8min pace.


I had to take a break from training on March because I went to New York to see my brother on Broadway! This was the first time I have ever been to New York. He is in a new musical and that is apparently a big deal in the theater world. The show is Cinderella and he was a swing,… that basically means he needs to know 6 different ensemble parts in the show and if anyone gets sick or cant go on for any reason he would be able to fill and the people seeing the shows (hopefully) wouldnt notice any difference.


The day after I came into New York he showed me around times square, it was amazing to me how we would talk a couple blocks away and it wouldnt seem like time square would be so close. For the Chicago people, it felt like I was in Loop one moment and then two blocks away I was in some neighborhood on the North side of the city. We walked around Hells Kitchen and found a Thai restaurant to eat. Just after we got our food we ordered I looked out the window and I saw Michael Emmerson walking a super tiny dog walking down the street. I know that for many of you that name wont ring a bell, but he is Ben Linus from LOST. I had also just started watching “Person of Interest” on CBS that he is in as well (good show I would recommend).   I was temped to run outside and yell something about he is awesome or get his autograph but then introverted personality took over and decided to not ambush this dude while was trying to go for a walk with his dog (in peace).


While in New York I went to the Natural History Museum and it rather awesome. If you like nature/ anthropology stuff you could spend a lot of time in this pace. It differently rocks an old school layout of dioramas of stuffed lions or whatever with very limited interaction with any of the displays. I was listening a song called “Welcome Oblivion” by How To Destroy Angels (artist has the dude from NIN, his wife and Atticus Ross) – it had a rather great heavy, bassy, slightly disturbing sound that worked great for all of extinct animals that I was looking at.    HDA music can be found on soundclound if you would like to listen to some of their music for free. It helped me imagine all of these animals fighting to survive and killing each other and doing all the violent shit they need to survive. The prehistoric natural world had to of been super violent on a daily basis. It was rather super cool see what adaptations these creatures evolved into to help their survival. I was rather disappointed that the whale exhibit was closed by the time I found it in the museum. I wanted to really appreciate the true size of some of the whale bones they had on display.


He found a good paying waitering job like a month ago that is like a 25min drive from out house that he earns about 100 bucks a night in tips. (Its making me think about trying to work there for a second job to earn extra money.) He has also been working at my dads business making sales calls but he doesnt wake up until like 11AM so he is only able to work like 2-4 hours before he has to go do his waitering thing. I forgot to mention that he did the half marathon race with me so thats good.


Im not sure what else I should talk about so… Im ending this. If you can think of anything you want me write about/give my opinion about shoot me a comment.


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