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August 26, 2010

So why is this here.

August 27, 2010

Are you grieving someone or something?? Ryn: It can be really easy to save money, but with all the obstacles I’ve got going on right now it’s impossible… Good luck with everything. Hope you’re doing alright..

August 27, 2010

aww i hope everything is okay 🙂 and thanks for the note… it really made me smile… hehe “neon hotness for my eyes” haha 😛 later gator. much love…

August 30, 2010

This is so true… I hope this was written in reflection and not actually written in grief 🙂 Ryn: Thank you so much for your note/support/advice. I’ll keep that in mind 🙂 I’ve noticed, though, that some “girl gamers” actually feed that kind of reaction because they play up the fact that they are “girls who are gamers.” It irks me lol. And, yeah, I’ve seen stuff like that before, myself lol