More Stuff Today

Well today was super busy at work and I was fucking on top of everything but I still didnt get the news I wanted to hear at the end anyways. Rather frustrated about that but I’m trying not to get angry about something I can not change right now.

So now in watching some Lost on hulu killing time before I gotta pick up my mom at the CTA station. YAHOOOOOOO Fun times. The bro is back from college for a week (I think) so I get to drive Old Blue for a little. BRB gotta pick up my mom now


Okay I am back! So ya, it was happening since I got home, but yea. It has been feeling good but I keep on having to remind myself that it will be a long, long time before I am where I want to be with it.


Anyways, I am feeling rather disappointed in myself right now. It is one of those days where I feel like I am letting down everyone I care about. I am in one of those moods where I dont feel like I can ever do whats right anymore, for anyone.


Sad like when I a kid lets go of a balloon an sees it rising in the sky and then kid realizes that the balloon is never coming back

I wish my legs were not cramped right now so I could run my ass off until I couldnt.  

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March 29, 2010

aww well im sure ur not letting everyone down. u seem like a really caring guy. and i hate that feeling… like the balloon scene. aww ive been there. hopefully u r feeling better! visit my diary sometime… i stumbled upon urs randomly. 🙂

March 29, 2010

“lost” on hulu is allll i do. hulu is officially the best place ever haha