$hity title
I have tomorrow off from work. I think tomorrow morning i’ll go get my blood taken at the hospital. I went to the doc today and he wants me to do 3 heart tests and get my blood taken. Im kinda nervous about getting my blood taken because the last time I attempted to give blood I passed out.
I was going to go for a run today but I got rather nervous even though I have worked out after my heart freaked about a week and a half ago.
Over the weekend I had taken apart my PS3 and fixed it. It was over heating and I guessed correctly that thermal paste on the processor and video chip was getting old. It took me a good 5+ hours take it apart, cleaning off the old paste, putting on the new paste, and putting it back together. I was following a guide with pictures on how do disassemble the machine. The only part(s) that got me rather confused was when I was looking for a screw to remove and Sony apparently forgot to give me enough screws. I rather liked listening to my music and getting hands on with it. It felt like I was kid on christmass morning putting together a lego set as fast as possible b/c I was super excited.
I played my ps3 for a couple hours tonight and my PS3 seems to working correctly now. I got a game that I thought was supposed to be rather awesome. It definitely is not as awesome as I thought it was going to be. (Its Final Fantasy 13) Since I spent my money on the game I guess I will put up with a game that I am not having too much fun with just because I spend the money on it. I mean I guess I gotta get my moneys worth at this point. I should have trusted a couple reviews of the game I had read before buying the game. I’ll prolly end up selling it on glyde.com (Not gamesuck) when I end up beating it.
I just started to realize that Im not into playing games as much as I used to. I think I will be trying to sell off come some of my collection and only hold on to the games I would honestly want to put in again one day and play.
naw whats wrong with your heart? and yea i had to get blood taken once a month for about a year. it was annoying. but i guess you get used to it after a while.. or well in my case anyways. aww and about the videogames… aww well its better to find that out now and save your money then to find it out later… and im glad your back writing 🙂 much love…
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aww well thats good that they didnt find anything when you were younger. but yea you should get your heart checked out.. and have them fix you up and then you will be good as new! 😀 much love…
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I promise I’ll read your entry next time. i had a minute and just wanted to note you back 🙂 Ryn: That’s usually the case, that we never really know how strong we really are. I’m glad you realize that you are strong 🙂 Yeah, that’s one of the many reasons why I’ve flip-flopped on the decision to get one over the years. The one(s) I want have meaning for me from childhood, so I feel it’s OK
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Dude i know that feeling ur talking about when taking apart/modding electronics. I had it when I installed a new powersource and graphics card on my pc. It wasn’t a very hard to do lol just gotta follow the instructions and its mostly just plugging **** in the right spot, but i think its the knowlage that if you **** up, ur gonna be out alot of $ that makes it intense. plus it was my first time…
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Getting blood drawn is THE WORST! Good job with the PS3 =)
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I’ll be praying for you with the heart thing. Don’t worry. It’ll be fine, I’m sure 🙂 That’s really awesome that you were able to fix your PS3 on your own. I’d love to be able to do something like that. I’m sorry about FF13 lol. Due to my depression, every so often I go through fluxes of not wanting to play video games for a bit. Though I always find something that’ll get me hooked again 😉
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Video games aren’t at all as great as they used to be.
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RYN: I loved Duck Hunt. I know; I’m lame. Haha. Just about anything you could play on the old grey Nintendo box, I loved. I also played stuff on the original Sega Genesis. I’d tell you my favorite game there, but I’m sure you’ve never heard of it. And I religiously played Crash Bandicoot every day one summer until I beat it. I like some Wii game now-a-days and I’m a sucker for Halo. Haha. What about you? Also, no; I’ve never heard that song. I’ll look it up.
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RYN: I lied. I’ve heard the song. And I love it.
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Oh nice, what don’t you like about it? (FFXIII) I only JUST started it a while ago and stopped after 20 mins to play the 4th installment of Myst because for some reason I just didn’t care to play it. Was in the military for the past 5 years so the last FF I played was X (which I didn’t finish either bc I have commitment issues) but had an easier time getting into it. VII still reigns supreme 😉
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