Happy Birthday USA

I got up this morning at around ten from a phone that no one else was answering.

After walking downstairs I knew was not going to be able to fall back asleep. I went for a jog in the forest preserve. I would have enjoyed it more but it got rather hot towards the end. I found some rather tasty wild berries to eat in the forest. I have had them before and I know I will not get sick from them. They taste kind of like blackberries. They have more seeds in them than I would like but I still think it is rather awesome to find food out in the wilderness like that.

They look like these red ones in the picture http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/45/Alaska_wild_berries.jpg

But the red ones were not ripe yet (extremely sour), they ripe ones where dark blue/purple. A couple of them broke open in my hand kinda stained my hand.


NO dont go out trying to eat random as berries out near you, you can get really sick or even die if you eat the wrong ones. 



My girlfriend seemed rather shaken up last night.   Im not sure what else I can do for her right now, I find that rather scary.     I wish I could tell her that I love her and it will get better but I know that it will take more than that to ease her soul.    I love her




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July 4, 2010

haha im going to go out right now and find some wild berries to eat… just bc u said so. haha jkjk ur pretty funny though… aww i hope everything is okay between u too. if u need somebody to talk to im here for ya! 🙂 if not thats cool too 😛 much lovee…