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July 4, 2010

ryn: Thank you(: How are you ?

July 4, 2010

ryn: I’d be more than happy to become opendiary friends (:

July 4, 2010

you dont seem at all shy on here 🙂

July 5, 2010

Well you have a girl!! Go out and spend time with her! Get close with her, talk about something you have never discussed with her before. Go find a cheesy look out spot and lay down a blanket. Take a nap with her outside. I dk. random suggestions.

July 6, 2010

Putting yourself out there is really hard. But what’s the worst that can happen? A possible friend turns you down? If that happens, then they’re not worth it. Friendship can be a lot like dating sometimes. We all have walls we build up around ourselves. It’s heard to climb over, or even knock it down, but once you do, life gets better. Good luck! Love + Peace.

July 6, 2010

Ryn: Sparrow (who is a Mr. lol) is my best friend 🙂 I was looking to possibly get together with that Stark guy I mentioned, but… He’s a little too serious for my taste, methinks. I did flirt with Stark a little, but he’s so entrenched in his work that it all went by rather quick. Funny enough, though, Sparrow and I do flirt with each other when we’re both single lol.

July 7, 2010

Thank u for the note. And Im sorry to hear about the lady.. There might be better out there!

July 10, 2010

Ryn: YES! You can be Liquid… Or should I say, McDonald Miller? 😉 lol

July 14, 2010

Ryn: I love Metal Gear Awesome!! It’s one of those things that never gets old, no matter how many times you watch it lol. Have you seen the other work of the guy who does it? Pretty much everything he does is funny. I love the Ninja Gaiden one ( http://bit.ly/XuSaw ). “I’m going to be a boss!” XD What other games are you into? I’m a lifelong gamer, so I love a ton of other stuff as well lol.

July 17, 2010

Ryn: Heather (from Silent Hill 3) is quite possibly my favorite video game heroine. She’s just all, “Yeah, this sucks, but I gotta deal with it.” She seems like a “girly girl” at first, but she can hold her own and kicks ass lol. I’ve never finished any MGS game, so don’t feel bad lol. Like I said, I start to panic when I set off alarms and stuff. I love MGS2. I know a lot of people (continued)

July 17, 2010

… who don’t like MGS2 because Hideo Kojima sort of duped them into playing as Raiden lol. Raiden never bothered me, though. I always liked him, and I loved him even more in MGS4. The only sports game I ever really played was Madden 04. Yeah, I asked the NP about all that jazz before she gave me the prescription lol. I feel like it’s at least worth a shot at this point.

July 19, 2010

Ryn: Thanks 🙂 Yeah, Kingdom Hearts is one of those games that people usually think is really childish and stuff before they play it (like LittleBIGPlanet), but when they play it they see how good it actually is lol. The story is great. I’m a huge Disney fan and I love Square Enix, so it seemed like a good series for me to play lol. I’ve been a fan since the first one came out.

July 23, 2010

Ryn: hmm, interesting. i hope im not addicted, altho i think with things like that its more of a state of mind.. Yes! it’s almost better to keep it at that innocent stage. it’s more enticing, you just want the person all the more..