Amputee Rap = Inspire Me

First off I have to save this video is rather awesome : )


This past weekend I went up Wisconsin to see my brothers last performance. He is on the traveling production of the Wizard of Oz. He is the scarecrow.  It was a good drive up with my dad, I got some good father son bonding in then. (read he better not expect me to hang out with him like for another weekend for a while)

We pulled into an Applebees for the sole reason of watching the US world cup game. They lost in over time : (    We were yelling in the bar at the game, im sure the other people though we were crazy. 


After getting to the hotel I passed out for 2 hours out of no where. I was not expecting to fall asleep. After seeing the show with some of my extended family we ending up walking around Appleton Wisconsin. There was dude with a big sign with a some quote from a bible. He had a mega phone and was yelling about how we are all going to hell. He was wearing a white t-shirt saying ‘Pro-Life’ in huge letters on it. There was 3 other dudes standing around him passing out pamphlets There are some colleges there downtown there we a bunch of 20-30 year old college people walking around in rather revealing clothing. I found the whole scene rather hilarious.   We kept on going around to find a "quite" place for the older people.  We found some hotel with a sports bar.  

I forgot how much I hate talking to family because I always feel like I have nothing to say.  


A good trip all in all.  




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June 29, 2010

aww im glad u had a good time. that is soo cool that ur brother is the scarecrow!! aww that must have been fun… being able to have that bonding time 🙂 btw that is a pretty awesome video… haha okay well im sure i will talk to u soon much lovee…

June 29, 2010

aww thanks for the note as well… yea my coach said he had never been involved with a walk off game winning hit… it was pretty amazing i must say. haha okay talk soon… much lovee…

June 30, 2010

I was watching that game at my cousins’ graduation party… My younger brother and I were inconsolable for most of the rest of the day lmao… Him more so than myself, but still… Tough loss. That is a really funny story about the guy with the megaphone XD. I just love juxtaposition like that!! Love + Peace.

June 30, 2010

Ryn: Thank you so much for your note and your support. I really appreciate it 🙂 I especially liked what you said about looking back when I find the right guy and then realizing I was worried over nothing… I do that kind of thing all the time about other stuff, so I think you’re right lol.

June 30, 2010

the wizard of oz is GREAT! you would’ve had an awesome time… not jealous or anything 😛 lol

July 2, 2010

RYN: Thanks hun and I can’t wait til we all hang out again…