Almost to the end

I was planning on getting my car’s suspension repaired, I was guessing it would cost around 1,000 bucks.  I called the shop to get an estimate, they gave me an estimate of 1,500 for the shocks and struts.     🙁        I called yesterday to see how much it would be to get the back ones done first.   (850).     Even though I got way more than 1,500 saved up I dont really see any use in putting in more than needed repairs in that car.  Exp. since I bought it for 4,100.    This car expense kind of messed up savings goal for the year,   🙁   

The girl I was planning on going to Mexico has been fighting with her b.f and they have been having stupid drama and he want a refund from the girl.   Apparently he doesnt understand what unrefundable means.    I dont really mean that much for me because of kind of planed doing my own thing in Mexico.  

No more Sarah.  She was fun while that lasted.


I started working out a lot more recently, like very other day at min, run like 2-3 miles.  in 20-30min.   I know it takes like 4-6 weeks to start seeing results,…. but sheeze after a solid week of keep at it…. I really need some positive reinforcement.  



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December 19, 2011

That sucks about the car 🙁 I’m the same way with diet/exercise. If I don’t see results, like, NOW, I get disenchanted with it. Just keep it up, it’s good for you 😉 Ryn: Yeah, I really hope so. It seems like the demons wouldn’t shut up this semester lol

December 31, 2011

ryn: yeeah, it’s just a bit disappointing. I have never wanted to do a loan, although I’m leaning more and more toward it.. Ah! Thanks.

January 3, 2012

aww man that stinks about the car 🙁 and about the girl 🙁 but aww thats good that you have been working out.. i havent 🙁 and no worries hun you will see results soon just keep at it 🙂 and thanks for the birthday wishes 🙂 your the best 🙂