A Mound of Flowers

M’s at OMSI with the landlords/neighbors/whoever and I am supposed to be cleaning and unpacking. So far I’m lounging. Lame. Watching Skate Canada. So tired. I eat like utter crap. Probably why I feel so blaaaahhhhhhh.

Went to pizza with the L/N/Ws last night and then their hot tub with the wife. Miss B badly and want to move forward with that. Need dates or lengthy, deep conversations to get somewhere. Just not often possible these days.

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April 3, 2012
August 23, 2012

thank you for your note.. i wish i knew what words were in my head so i could reply to your note, as it is very nice of you to take the time to leave it.. i just feel lost and out of place right now, like i dont fit in and no one wants me to fit in. i dunno.. i’ve been sad before, but.. this sad is scary..