The start of a change

So, this is my attempt to change and take responsibility for where I am physically and to make it different. There are so many things that need to change about me and I am determined to get myself to change them, one by one. No matter the blood, sweat, tears, or cost. i am ready to change back to the woman my husband fell in love with, despite the fact he says he loves me unconditionally. I want to be different. i desire it. And I know our marriage will be better for it. 

HAIR- I want to start making a concious effort of how my hair looks day by day. Typically i go to bed each night, Fall asleep and let it go wild. Sometimes I don’t even comb it in the morning. I just take the same hairbow in it and slick it back. I want to start making an effort again. My first goal is to add extensions to it this weekend. Make it really pretty.  I want to vow to maintain my hairstyle, if not by extensions, then by going to the beauty salon to get it professionally fixed and keeping it tailored and nice looking. 

FACE- So much that needs to be done here. First of all, my skin has broken out terribly and due to PCOS, I have black marks all over my jawline where I am constantly picking at ingrown hairs (again, hiruitism due to PCOS). I want to first vow to get face hair removal cream by next week. Also, I want to order my Obagi system. It is about $300 but it worked amazing on my face before and I need to put in the investment. My face is flaking all over the place due to the fact I no longer have any sort of regimen to it. This needs to change.  Also, I will invest in getting some MAC makeup. There is nothing better than having makeup that fits your face and makes you loook like a million bucks. Lets be honest, most celebrities only look as they do because of makeup. $125 will be devoted to buying makeup products. New lip colors, new foundation, studio fix, perhaps a bronzer. Whatever I need to get the ball back rolling!

EYES- I need to make a better effort at taking care of my contact lenses. I will order fresh lenses and make sure to get a new case and contact solution. 

SKIN- My skin is a dry mess. I don’t lotion most of the time because I’m too lazy and I hate running my hands over my body. This will change. I will not only make it a point to shower every single day (mother of a baby… don’t judge me) but lotion myself from top to bottom in order to get back that smooth skin. Thanks to a gift certificate I received earlier in the month to a lotion store, I will use that money in those efforts. I will get this done TODAY. Also, I have been terrible at shaving. EVERYTHING, and I do mean EVERYTHING is completely overgrown.  I will have a shaving routine every week in order to ensure my skin remains smooth and desirable. I will use my husbands razors if need be. 

BODY- I HAVE TO LOSE WEIGHT. My first goal is thirty pounds. This will bring me  to 182. I have already started on my quest this week by eating healthier. I am three days in and I am proud of myself thus far. Right now, I will make weekly goals. My first goal is to 5 lbs this week. I think I can do that, especially since I am just starting this routine. My other goal is to make sure I am eating a primarily healthy diet.  I also hope to work out at least twice this week doing some cardio but some weights.  Get my body moving again. After the first 15 pounds lost, I hope to get a body wrap. They typically cost about $80 but I think this will be a great reward and possible way at helping my body shrink back some. 

FEET- My feet are ugly and are a mess. I am hoping to dedicate at least once a month, gettting my feet done! I haven’t gotten my feet done since 2010… The back of the heels are cracked and thick. 

WARDROBE- I haven’t bought anything new for myself in a very long time. Small things, but my wardrobe is so bleak. My workout pants ALL have holes at the crotch were my dogs chewed at it. Not a good look at all. I need a wardrobe change and this will take some time to grow but I am willing to dedicate $200 a month on wardrobe for myself until things have turned around and I have a good selection to chose. I also have to vow to keep this wardrobe looking nice and presentable. I have failed doing this and much of my clothes are tossed to the wayside at the end of each day. My laziness is truly embarrassing to say the least. 

This is a large set of goals, I know, but I can accomplish it. I have to break things up, one at a time. My week 1 goal is to go to the lotion store and buy deep moisturizing lotions and bodywashes. Perhaps a deodorant. I also will order my contact lenses. My diet will be committed to this week, despite the two offers of going out for dinner (ay yi yi). I will do my best to show restraint. Oh, and NO ALCOHOL.



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May 20, 2012

You have some great goals, just don’t overwhelm yourself with doing too much or you may just unintentionally give up on everything. I definitely think that, depending on your financial situation, going out once a month and buying something new will make you feel a little better. You HAVE to do things for yourself, it’s very therapeutic! Treat yourself. Good luck!

May 23, 2012

Welcome to OD =)