The word thing just kept happening last night so the words kept me up until the early morning.
So many words and so little time.
Journaling is such a good thing since it keeps my mind occupied when I am not able to sleep.
Most of my journals are about the day-to-day happenings in my life so most of them are private.
I tend to journal about the way I feel and the things I like and do not like. These day-to-day real life entries tend to get me in trouble when read by others. Yep, I am a real person and I have real feelings. Real people do think about things that get them in trouble with the thought police.
We do have thought police on OD and the rest of the net so beware since you never know when the TP are reading your entries.
There are times I could care less about the TP or anyone else.&; After all this is my life and my thoughts, not theirs. We all tend to form our own opinions of others based on what has happened to us in our lives and those real life situations do cause us to be real judgmental of others at times.
Guess I have too many journals, private, public, electronic, and on paper, but I have them and I keep writing in them.
Last night was typing hell but it was fun anyway.