Deep Thoughts

One persons bad boy is another persons nice boy.


One persons nice boy is another persons bad boy.


Bad Boy vs. Nice Boy

wakka-wakkahead bangerhippie

Nice Boy vs. Bad Boy

 april fools day 

Guess who and what we are is determined by our own perceptions.

 groundhog's day 

Or who and what we are may be determined by the perceptions of others.


Wow, deep stuff……………


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everyone is someone’s bad guy.

Very deep… and I haven’t had my coffee yet

I’ll drink to that, just like your last Smiley’s. As for me, I’m very good at being bad. *smile*

RYN~ I use Kristen ITC .. does it come out weird for you ?

July 10, 2004


and your public nice boy could be my bedroom bad boy. :>)

And out thoughs create who and what we are lol….thanks nice stuff

Can you hear the music I posted today and if so what do you think of it.

July 10, 2004
July 12, 2004
