So much can happen in a year…
So i’m finally back for good…. So much has happened so here are the main points:
Wow, how so much can change in a year…..
So from this time until now, I have achieved so much:
- Passing my driving test
- Buying a car
- Leaving my job at McDonalds to being a Human Resources Officer at a hotel
- Dumping my boyfriend of 2 years
- Turning 20
- Being promoted to H.R. Manager
- Making some wicked new friends, keeping the old ones too
- Leaving my rented house
- Travelling to Australia on my own
- Finding a new house to live in
- Leaving my HR manager job to finding new employment
- Meeting some wicked new friends, keeping the old ones too
- Realising what I actually wanna do in life
- Realising where I actually wanna be in life
- Having fun
- Finding some wicked new friends, keeping the old ones too.
So much can change within the space of 12 months…..