Times Table
Times Table sold last week on bluethumb, it was picked up by the courier yesterday. Being smaller than the other paintings the price was reduced. The painting itself holds an image of lines fading away to fuzzy paint at the edges, more suggestive of a subject matter description than pure abstraction. It was funny pulling the image out from the stack of paintings in the garage, I had mixed feelings about the quality of the work. While it was alright and interesting in contrast to the more pure lines, I think ultimately it was not as full. In other words it looked good enough to represent my work in public but not top notch.
The small A4 sized paintings are coming along. One in particular in lilac grey over yellow and pink looks finished. I will have to work out if they have titles and what I am going to do with them, hold on to them for an exhibition or put them on bluethumb. I also worked over Max Dilena and Patrick Dilena. Claudia said the result looked alright but was a bit dense.
I am toying with having a show of old paintings at bargain prices at The Famous Blue Raincoat. There were some terrible highly coloured nudes on display and I thought Digger and LIAR and so on would look better. That show has been replaced with some well painted animals so I can’t be so blithe now in my approach, in other words I can’t just rock up with second rate paintings that don’t look any good. The painting with the strange dimensions I have decided is called Tiberius. I would like to lose it before I paint over it again.