pool tragedy

I was knocked out of the pool comp by Huw on Friday! I had a couple of shots on the black, so did Huw, but his second sunk the bugger. I felt disproportionately disappointed at the time, now I feel relief that the pressure is off. I can get on with playing Huw chess.

The game took place during drinks to celebrate the awarding of a work contract. Good news!

We were in the Yarra Valley for three days while the house was being painted after the wall of Ella’s room was moved. The work went well except for the bloody air conditioner people, who were a nightmare to deal with, didn’t turn up, overcharged, and paid themselves with Claudia’s credit card without approval. The builder charged us an extra $363 for the delay caused. which we paid without contest as it wasn’t his fault. We are in the process of trying to recoup this from the dirty rotten scoundrel air consters.

The trip away was beaut though and the house looks great. The walls were a burnt orange brown which I liked. It created a Mediterranean feel of the earth. Now they are painted a warm cream which has brought them up and makes the rooms brighter and bigger.

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