
I was dreaming about a kooky young guy making model ships out of wood scraps. He started using Pam’s sewing machine to sew through the plywood. I was very worried about the machine being damaged.

I was thinking once I woke up that rustic boats would probably sell well on Etsy. Case in point, those cars that you see for sale made out of metal from drink cans. I think I will mention it to Andrew Edwards, he has the workplace to pursue work like that. I think there would be a market for toys made for men who are too busy to tinker themselves. I see caravels. The dream included an improbably long oil tanker. I remember the boat I had as a kid that cousin Jack had made. I wonder where that ended up, probably discarded. I would like the design and painting part of the job but I go cold at the thought of creating a stock and actually selling stuff. Which reminds me, Anna from Curious Grace saw my youtube portfolio and was interested in selling my paintings. I got in contact and she went to Mies coffee shop to check out my three paintings there but emailed me back to say she wasn’t interested. Bummer.

I wonder if rustic boats would sell. I suppose the only way to find out is to try, which I am not about to do. I would call the project Scrambled, for some reason I forget. Maybe Shambles would be more appropriate.

Talking of shambles, I finally connected up the computer that dad bought years ago and has been sitting in a box at his house ever since. The operating system is XP. I arranged for a mobile broadband internet from Dodo that needs a dongle delivered before we are good to go.

The wedding of Evet and Lucy was fun on the 5th. Georgia was in town for a few weeks. She is now in Perth. I met Kate Broadbent and John for lunch with her last Sunday. This Sunday we are having lunch with Jackson and Hanna.

I have been back at work for two weeks. Nothing of interest to report on that front.

Claudia is on a health kick. I have been walking lots while the weather is good and especially when I was on holidays. I lost some weight but I don’t know if it will last. My doctor wants to put me on a health plan on account of my cholesterol count being high. I am of the opinion that there isn’t much fixing of my diet that I can live with. I have dropped chips and chocolate bars and have given up beer Tuesday to Thursday. The fact is though that I was not overindulging much to begin with so I don’t expect to see radical improvements from those measures. I like walking. Apart from the exercise it gives me time to ponder where my life is at. Walking in winter when the sun sets early is not going to happen though.

I am booked in to see my counsellor in a couple of weeks. I thought it was about six months since I saw him last but it was actually last April. I don’t have any burning issues to discuss. I suppose I would mention dad’s state of cleaning desuetude then get onto the more interesting topic of my marital relationship.

I was reading much more while I was on holidays and have kept up the habit since returning. I finally finished the Tim Robbin’s Half Asleep in From Pajamas that I picked up half way through last year. Then I read the book about Herge that Jackson gave me from his trip to the states. I want to read books that have been hanging around the bookshelf so I can get rid of them. To that end I read William Gibson’s Count Zero and The Demon and the Angel: Searching for the Source of Artistic Inspiration [Edward Hirsch]. The last is a pretentious account of art through the lens of Lorca’s thoughts about duende which was hardly enjoyable but did make me want to go read the source material, like Sylvia Plath and Gerard de Nerval and Robert Desnos and Gerald Manley Hopkins. Now I am reading Charles Dicken’s Hard Times which has been on the shelf since I was set it in high school!

I got up because of the dream to have a cup of tea, now it is nearly dawn and I have to go to work in a few hours. At least it is Friday and the weekend beckons.

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