home from Perth

Claudia and Ella returned from Perth tonight and we are settled back in. I had wine and flowers waiting. Their trip went well and everyone is happy.

I was asleep but having woken in the middle of the night I am here now. I performed some unnecessary maintenance on my media sites, the new wordpress blog and twitter. I tweeted for the first time in two years. I just don’t connect with twitter. I have a grand total of five followers. While I was there I saw a tweet that was generated by formspring.me I had forgotten about formspring. I used to have some fun replying to Jenne there. Any way formspring is closing, which is probably very old news. Shame in a way, the idea of having a forum for asking free form questions and answering them with your friends was a good one. There was a link on formspring to generate a download of your content which I used as I would like to see what we wrote again. For instance when Jenne asked what is heaven? I wrote back something about that if it is immaterial then on working that out it would be lonely as everyone you encountered would be imaginary too. I can’t put my head into the space that generated that answer, I think it is right though and I am pleased I think these things.

I should go back to bed but I am not sleepy enough.


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