Christmas 2012

It is now 5:00am on boxing day and I am out of bed to see what google tells me "Manzed tapes" are as I had a dream with 2 CIA operatives discussing them. Nothing so far.

Peter and Robin and Eva were at Christmas lunch at Mary’s.
Both my sisters were at Christmas. My younger sister remembers me as telling good (read bad) science jokes. There was a round of jokes shared at Christmas lunch. My contribution yesterday was a priest, a rabbi and vicar walk into a bar and the barman says "is this some sort of joke?".
My favourite joke of all is the one of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson go camping which is best related at night, outside under the stars but I think I have told you that one before. I didn’t tell it at lunch as my young nephews were there and it contains profanity. My favourite encryption / decryption meta joke goes:
A man dies and goes to hell. A devil is showing him around hell when they stop near a sea of people who are laughing whenever a random person in the crowd shouts out a number. The man asks why there are people laughing in hell. The devil explains that the lost souls are on a break from endless torment and eternity is such a long time that everyone gets to hear every joke ever told during breaks an endless number of times so after a while there is no need to tell the whole joke, instead they are assigned a number and just the number stands for the joke. The man asks the devil if he can have a go at telling a joke and the devil says "why not?", so the man shouts at the crowd "42!" The people all groan in dismay in response. "What happened? Was that a bad joke?" asks the man and the devil replies "no that is one of the best, it is just the way you told it wasn’t funny".

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December 26, 2012

My little brother was talking about Boxing day last night. I try to remind him that he’s American and we don’t have Boxing Day here, but he seems to believe he’s a brit. :-p I told some jokes at lunch yesterday, and mom smacked me with a wooden spoon for them. -chuckles- I didn’t know she was in the room!