This morning I was talking to Jenjoe’s decapitated head. I have never dreamed of Oobi before, which is hardly surprising as we never met and I only spoke to her a few times on the phone. But it definitely looked like her head talking to me. Perhaps there was no body because I am used to seeing her avatar mug shots.

The dream was rambling and at some point earlier in it I helped Jenjoe and then she helped me when I was drunk. I don’t remember getting drunk, just the consequential lack of control. I woke up because there was a stench of vomit.

Anyway I am feeling alright now and ready to get on with the day. I will leave the night in the darkness.

I had my own modem failure when I went to log on this morning. There was no internet and it took some detective work on my hands and knees with a torch under the desk in the mess of cables there to work out why. Apparently at some point the transformer to the cable modem had been knocked out and we have been running off the battery until not surprising the battery had given up.


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