the matters that matter

wide-eyed, sickly silent
slam breaks. press rewind.
it’s the kind of short answer
pulls your navel to spine.
strange cloudy awareness…
what’s said has been said
and now all the commotion
stands still in your head–
and everything’s clear,
making cynical sense.
there’s pain by the pound
..yet the numbness–immense
wide-eyed, sickly silent
slam breaks. press rewind.
in the land of the free
and the home of the blind.

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April 28, 2004

this is funny in a serious way jess, i don’t know why, perhaps it’s because i dont’ get it actually. (to admit that…) but on the other hand, you’re too good at rhyming and you make me MAD!!! j/k.. i love ya jess, and keep up this beautiful work.. much loves.

April 29, 2004

You’re beautiful.

April 29, 2004

you are a natural born poet jess..this is wonderful..i know what u mean with the converstaion still being stuck in your head. <3

May 2, 2004

that was awesome, i need to know where the inspiration ignited?


Thanks for that note from like two months ago. Jess, you seriously write so unique and beautifully that no one compares or even comes close to this. This is as real as it gets. renee

November 29, 2006

how did i miss this?? this is amazing…