
No decent entry ever begins with the thought:  okay what the hell am I going to put in here.  But I feel like writing anyways.  Sometimes it helps me sort things out. 

I know I said I was different.  I’m really not all that different… I was acting different, but sometimes that comes with depression and that empty feeling of hopelessness.. aimlessness.. helplessness.   Engineering is a challenge for me, and I think that has a lot to do with it.   I’m swamped, buried alive, up to my neck.  But all that doesn’t mean that I don’t have my releases.  It’s taking me a long time to trust people here.  I have a hunch that this is the right way to go about it, but it still feels cynical.  UPJ is beautiful, really.  The trees are beautiful, everything in my dorm is new and it looks like a ski-lodge.  It’s cozy and friendly.  Did I mention the tress are beautiful? 

If only I liked trees.

Sometimes my existence aches for the sound of impatient traffic.  My stride yearns for a hard concrete walkway and the click click click sound of the driven women who get up an hour early to get beautiful, slipping on high-heeled pumps before hurriedly running out the door with lipstick and a cigarette in one hand, a purse and jacket in the other.

If you wear jeans here, people raise an eyebrow and ask why you’ve decided to get dressed up. It’s simple, wearing pajamas all day makes me want to sleep.  lay off bitches. 😛

I have dark, dark brown hair now.  I think it suits me better.  I did it on an impulse.  It was stupid of me to do it right now because I’m going through this thing where I don’t want to be looked at, and naturally, when you do something like that, you get attention.  Comments.  OMG’s. Keep them, because my hair is one thing I can control (well, kindof) in my life right now, and I don’t care what they think or say, I did it for me..because I felt like it.

In the past couple years I’ve made so many mistakes. I wish I could say I was learning.  Am I learning?  Yeah, but am I doing anything about it..? Being a good, moral, hardworking, optimistic person used to come so naturally.  Now getting out of bed is a struggle and the rest is even harder.  I just want to make it though this.  I just want to be a good person.  I just want to have a purpose.

But don’t we all.


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November 1, 2004

I have never laughed so hard until I read “wearing pajamas makes me want to sleep all day…lay off bitches” I’m from a small town in Tennessee and I understand exactly what you mean. If you wear a skirt here people think you’re getting married.

November 2, 2004

you’d fit in at bc3 cuz thats all we ever wear is jeans haha. you are going to make it, i have faith in you! you really are intelligent and hardworking and I know you’ll accomplish the best for you. i’m proud of ya:) can’t wait for another couple weeks now! i misssss you already:( but we’ll make it, we always do:) LOVE YOU!

November 2, 2004

Thanks for your note, girl! I’m just believing that whatever happens today will be the right thing for our country. Have a great day!

November 2, 2004

You have more purpose than you will ever know, beautiful girl. I miss you more than words can describe. The old scene was so comforting. Three cheers for the old barbie club, orphan. love you

November 2, 2004

i love your writing…i absolutely love it…and i miss your smiling face in english class. your beauitiful jess!

November 3, 2004

as it sounds, you and i both long for the days when we would come home from knoch off of dinner bell and not have ne homework. j-mil, for the time being it’s ok to believe you’re not a good person w/o purpose, only because the rest of us know the truth, that you are a good person w/ purpose. tons of love~ kel pel

1- your hair is more important to me than the president 2- sometimes I think like this, like you thought in the end…like college is so difficult that I just want it to end and be successful and have a family and ect. ect. ect. But when I really think about it, I think that even though it’s hard now, we should concentrate on now, and the experience at hand. Hardworkismorebeautifulthanwemakeit

November 4, 2004

i want u to want to be her with me. because honestly, i couldn’t be here without you. i think about it all the time and it makes me insane because im so… dependent. i want to be more like you.