way beyond
Okay, my feelings of sadness and anger are way beyond expression! Stupid rent is going up by $75. We could probably afford it still, but our apartment is totally not worth it! I am so angry and do not, I repeat DO NOT want to move because we’re settled and I love the church ward and all my friends here. It makes me happy to be here! Why is stupid Continental Properties raising the rent THAT MUCH? Are they idiots? Wait, I can answer that my self and the answer is a big fat yes!
That’s all. I can’t write anymore that would express my anger and frustration so, adios!
~Angry Jersey~
if you can afford it still, and you like where you live, what is the issue? try to up your maturity level before going off on a property manager who would rather deal with (and likely could quickly replace you with) somebody more willing to discuss and negoiate than you. gotta love supply and demand.
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Okay, stupid noter there, you do have a right to be angry. Provo rents are ridiculous enough as it is without having the more affordable places go up in price. There really are some things that just AREN’T worth it, and that apartment is not worth the rent they’re going to charge you. I wouldn’t stay in OUR apt if rent went a lot steeper. I’m with ya.
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