
Ok I gave Jennifer my cell phone for the night cause.. ok its 12:25 am btw.. Cindys got shut off. And so i called her to talk to her and Justin calls me on my cell so she tells him to call my house. So he calls and guess what. They didnt go to OzzFest. I think its the funniest thing. Then again it kinda pisses me off and makes me wonder why my darling boyfriend didnt call. Oh well. Justin said that if they dont have anything planned tomorrow that they’ll come over. And so Sasha said that whenever he gets there that she’ll push him in the water. I was like aww I love you. And good thing that TJ works tomorrow cause that would just end up bad. TJ doesnt like Jerod cause of the way Jerod treats me and Jerod doesnt like TJ cause of the fact that TJ takes care of me. I love TJ to death so he can just get over it. I still cant believe that they didnt go to OzzFest. And you wanna know why the didnt go? Cause Justins girlfriend of like forever it seems said that she didnt want him to go. ITS OZZFEST!! I would have went no matter what. But he loves her and doesnt want to lose her so I mean I guess I kinda understand but I mean its Ozzfest and Marilyn Manson and Disturbed and Ozzy and everyones there. Hm.. maybe its just me but i think thats just a little psyco. Oh well. OK i’m going to bed now cause i have to get up at 9:30 take a shower call jennifer and then us go swimming. She has to babysit a million freakin kids so it should be interesting. Oh well atleast we wont have to worry about anyone trying anything with us.. well lets hope not anyways. TJ wont be there tomorrow. I told him that if we got attacked it was his fault. He didnt seem to worried tho. Oh well.

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