Good day

Ok well not much has happened since I last wrote in here… Friday I went and seen Bad Boys 2. That was good but gory. And then Saturday me and Amber went and seen how to deal. We didnt see all that much tho cause we got up and went and talked to Jesse and Jerod tried to get Tony to kick me out for loitering.. He wasnt going to kick me out but he acted liek he was. So I told my cop friend Fitch to take Jerods cigs. Theyre bad ARENT THEY WHITNEY. haha anyways. Then we just hung out around the movies. Then Sunday I didnt do anything. I took Amber home and then went swimming with TJ again. And yesterday was a bad day. I wanted to talk to jerod but i didnt get to talk to him till today. My grandma and dad havent pissed me off yet today. But its just 8 they still have time. Today one of my friends hasnt started so she thought she was pregnant so Me, TJ, Sasha, and Tosh all went to go get a test. She’s not thank god. She’s in enough trouble with her dad as it is and this would have just pushed him over the edge. Oh and I found the perfect prom dress. So i have till next April to save up enough money for it. Its not all that expensive but when i get done ordering it and the bra its going to be somewhere are 300 dollars then i still gotta worry about shoes and hair and makeup costs and ahh a lot lets just say that. Jerod said that he’d take me. I was like aww I think its just cause TJ said he’d take me but I know that he wants to take me.. lets just hope he does anyways. And he might go with me Friday. I hope he does a weekend away with Me and him, TJ and Lacey and hopefully Jennifer and Roger. All us girls get our guys and it will be a peaceful getaway for all of us. That will be good for me and Jerod. Then Sunday my birthday his parents leave and theyre grandma leaves Wednesday… so i think that i might be going over there… hopefully I dont get in trouble tho I dont want that. Lacey comes home tomorrow!! TJ’s really happy and I’m happy too I miss that girl. Well i’m gonna go for a while.

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hey jen can yyyyyouuuuuuuu.judt tellllll datingdirect to go suck some other peeps dick