
its 3am… know how i know? cuz all the “latest diary entries” on the OD home page are from australia and hong kong.. therefore it must be an hour that’s a decent hour in those places… why am i up… i have 6-page paper due tomorrow… as well as a chem mid-term… if i go to sleep now, i won’t wake up for such things, so its better to just stay awake as long as possible so that i can get past the point of sleepiness to the point of *omg i’m so exhausted that i couldn’t possibly sleep if i tried* there are (what should be) illegal quantites of starbucks frappachinos and pepsi involved… they should put caffiene in a pill… oh wait, nvm, they do… i’ve heard bad things about this caffiene pill… a cousin of a friend of a lab partner once stayed awake for like 3days straight after taking this pill… i needs me somma dat chit… ‘cept i’d be totally drained afterwards… i need to write my paper… but there’s no quicker way to put one to sleep than a 6-page paper on the media’s mis-portrayal of cloning surrounding the introduction to the world of dolly the sheep … actually its really a fascinating subject… just not one that i particularly care to write about… mostly b/c its being forced upon me… my paper about the atkins diet is gonna be fun, just b/c i got to pick my own topic and thesis… hooray for freedom in writing… my tummy’s yellin at me, i should eat something… but i already finished the easy mac’s … and the Depot is now closed.. *sigh* there should be a 24-hour place… i mean there’s uni-mini, but one has to walk there b/c its not on campus… and i personally am not up for walking two blocks at 3:30 am… there are too many weirdos that could like rape or beat me… now *thats* a pleasant thought likely to keep me awake… i think it’s time for another starbucks… i drank all the pepsi… its just as well tho, b/c the carbonation isn’t good for either your teeth or ur tummy. … brr, i’m cold… is the heater on? i know i turned it on… i best put on a sweatshirt…*sigh* i wish this paper would write itself .. well i mean, it practically does, what with the sources and all… but i still have to put in effort… effort is highly overrated.. i could actually study (*gasp!*) for my chem exam… ha! as if… me study… thats a good’un 😛 wow, i just realized that i keep sayin “tomorrow” when its actually like *today*… damn… what flavor starbucks should i have? i just had a mocha not too long ago… vanilla or coffee… hmm, choices, choice… i think i’ll go w/ coffee, b/c vanilla’s my fave, so i should save that for last, right? … ok now i know i’m getting tired b/c its takin me like 10 min to write each sentence b/c i keep havin to backspace and fix shit that i mistype… i wonder what would happen if i forbade myself from usin the delete key?
lets whatch shall we? oh ther goes #1 mistake… and #2 aslt… chit… lol… this if unny is like i’mm typin crunk.. no.. noc runk… *drunks* aaaahhh… ok, i have to use the delete key… it don’t make sense other wise… and if y’all could see how much i just backspaced the word *sense* you’d be rolling… anyway… i’m outie for the night… well not really, b/c i have to stay awake.. this is gonna be some tough shit…


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November 1, 2004

oh my

February 3, 2006

“Wow” That is all.