web of confusion

First we need to establish the basics. There are exactly 8 people involved in this web. We shall label them persons A through H. Are you with me so far? Good… Ok.. here goes…

Person A likes Person B
Person A also flirts with Person C

Person B used to like (maybe still does a little) Person D
Person B currently likes Person E

Person C flirts with Persons A, D, E and numerous others

Person D is hung up on most of his/her exes… one of whom is Person H

Person E likes Person F… but is too shy to do anything about it

Person F likes Person E… but is too shy to do anything about it (deja vu)

Person G also likes Person E… and was not too shy to do anything about it

Person H still likes person D, but due to the fact that person H is at college, not much will come of it… they try though


Person E is thoroughly confused as to why all these people like them

Person A is thoroughly confused as to why it seems that no one likes them

Person D is thorougly confused… period

Person B feels like they are falling off a cliff

Person C is a horny bastard

Person F needs to wake up and smell the hormones

Person G is applauded for their efforts, but would they please now exit stage left?

Person H  should  get over person D and move onto the college girls


well i feel less confused now, how about you? 😛

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i feel much better. thanks.

Person E likes persons B and F so now has a problem. And also dosn’t want to hurt person G’s feelings… I hope I got them all right.