
yea, this thing needs updating…. umm, but i have nothing to talk about… *sigh* nothing exciting is happening… and since my hopes of anything with dave were utterly and completly dashed, i’ve yet to focus my attentions on any other boy in particular– in fact i’ve pretty much been focusing on the male gender in general… as a result, i think i’ve been reading too much into some slight insinuations by certain guys… you would think that i’d learn this by now… i’ve definitely learned some things from my mfl lab group though–i’m the only girl in the group… we were in my room until 5am today finishin up our final project… it amazes me how unbeleivably simple most guys–no, all guys– are… as they were telling me, most of their thought processes regarding women and relationships are straightforward… guys need sex. period. (and food too, but that seems to be secondary)… all these complicated thought processes that we as females try to attribute to them, b/c its the way we think, don’t actually exist most guys (i’d like to say all, but i know a few exceptions) mean what they say, and say what they mean… *sigh* and i *know* this isn’t anything new–in fact the book that i read a few weeks ago (“he’s just not that into you”) told me the same damn thing… why is it so hard to drill into my thick head?!?!… *sigh* anyway i guess that’s all for now… here’s to hoping i find happiness soon 🙂


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December 6, 2004

DaFishey: jt thinks i am exceptional carlinifediccini: why DaFishey: rahrah 24seven (7:24:15 PM): i’ve been having a lot of conversations with members of the opposite sex lately rahrah 24seven (7:24:27 PM): and the majority of them are incredibly simple to figure out rahrah 24seven (7:24:32 PM): they need sex and food

December 6, 2004

rahrah 24seven (7:24:36 PM): and they will be happy rahrah 24seven (7:24:53 PM): you seem to have some sort of deep complicated thought process rahrah 24seven (7:24:59 PM): thus making u exceptional carlinifediccini: naw carlinifediccini: if you had sex and food you’d be just as happy as them

February 2, 2006

Hey . . . I need conversation and emotion to make me happy. Sex is nice, and food is good, too. But two eggs do not constitute a cake. You’ve got to have sugar and flour and all that to make a decent pastry.