this survey is like, so totally GAY ;-)

stolen from [ahirumoo]

1. Do you consider yourself to be gay (male:male); bi (whatever); or lesbian (girl:girl)? If you are bi, what is your preference or is it all the same to you?

A: I consider myself to be pansexual. But this is a term that is not yet very mainstream, and so for the sake of less confusion, I’m bisexual. I have no specific preference. I do tend to date primarily men, but I think this is more by chance than by choice.

2. If you are not bisexual, how do you feel about bi persons?

A: n/a

3. At what age did you have your first homosexual attraction?

A: In the sense of typical adolescent crushes, it was probably when I was 13. But I’ve always had a huge appreciation for the beauty of both sexes.

4. At what age did you have your first homosexual relationship or physical contact?

A: I believe it was when I was 15, although it was rather innocent, and at the time I chalked it up to girlish playfulness.

5. If you could change your sexuality to straight would you? Why or why not?

A: Absolutely not. I love being the way I am, and it’s opened my eyes to so many different lifestyles and people.

6. What is your personal moral judgement on your own sexuality?

A: I can love just about anyone in the entire world and not care about their sex, gender identity, or orientation. What better thing could there be? Love is a beautiful thing-what possibly could be morally wrong about loving people?

7. Are you currently in a relationship?

A: No, not at the moment.

8. Are you “out” to your straight friends?

A: For the most part yes. There are only a few people I’ve deliberately ‘come out’ to, but otherwise, people have been able to deduce it from other things (like reading my diary :-P), and I certainly won’t lie if anyone asks about it.

9. Are you “out” to your family?

A: My mother, I am sure, knows, as she reads my diary *waves* hi mom!. My sisters also know. I have not specifically come out to any of my family, but like above, I would not lie if asked about it. It’s been easy to avoid the subject though, due to the fact that I date men far more than women.

10. If you are out, how did you tell your friends?

A: The first person I ever told, actually told me about herself first. It was someone I knew for a long time and I actually had a crush on her (though I never told her about that). She told me that she was bi, and I believe I said something like, “Really? me too.” As far as I know, though, she hasn’t come out to anyone else, and is currently in a very loving long-term relationship with a man, so I respect her privacy. Everyone else sort of just found out by way of reading my diary and hints that I’ve dropped over the years–one particular friend found out by looking at my myspace profile, where I specifically list my orientation as bi. My college friends were a good deal easier, partly because literally half of them are gay.

11. If you did tell your family, how and when did you tell them?

A: as mentioned above, my diary.

12. How did your family and friends take it?

A: I’ve had a few people not believe me, thinking that it was just a “phase” or that I was only doing it for attention.

13. Have you ever been a victim of a hate crime due to your sexuality?

A: No

14. Do you think G/B/L persons should be able to marry legally?

A: Yes.

15. Do you think G/B/L persons should be able to adopt children?

A: Yes.

16. Would you be willing to contribute (sperm, egg, surrogate mom) if another gay couple you knew wanted your assistance so they could be parents?

A: Yes, definitely. In fact I’ve already allotted for this in my “life plan” 😛

17. Do you consider yourself to be happy in your current state of “out-ness” and relationship status?

A: Yes, for the most part. Being single, however, isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

18. Are you an activist for gay/lesbian rights?

A: Not as much as I’d like to be.

19. Describe yourself in terms of gender traits and describe the kind of person you are attracted to?

A: I’m such a girlie girl. My favorite color is pink, I love makeup and sparkly, shiny things, and curly hair. I like girls that are just like me, and I like manly men. I don’t like girly boys or manly girls, but I *do* like transmen and women and cross-dressing guys. That’s going to confuse some people, so let me explain. I’m not attracted to weak, whimpy, whiny, “girly” men. I do like guys that are confident enough in their sexuality to display a more feminine side, via things like… wearing a dress. Not all cross-dressers are gay, people. In fact a good deal of them aren’t. I also *adore* when guys wear eyeliner and eyeshadow.

20. If you are bi, do you think your gender ‘does it better’ or do you think the opposite gender is better or is it equal in your experience?

A: I’m gonna agree with moo and say that a lot depends on personality and chemistry. If you don’t “click” with someone, the sex (or kissing, or whatever) isn’t going to be good. Period. (girls do have softer lips though.)

21. Many people think gays are only into homosexuality for sex. Would you agree or do you think it’s about more than that?

A: Of course it’s more than that. To say it’s only about sex is one of the most closeminded things I’ve ever heard.

22. Do you cross dress?

A: No.

23. Would you cross dress but don’t out of fear?

A: No, I don’t crossdress because I’m a girly-girl, as mentioned above.

24. Are your employers aware of your sexuality? How about your coworkers? How accepted has that been?

A: Being as I’m currently between jobs, this isn’t really applicable. I do have a funny story however. When I was working at Xando’s, I don’t remember how the subject came up, but on my second day there, I was talking with one of the other girls and the only guy who worked there. The girl said something to the effect of, “Well I respect gay people, but I think homosexuality is just wrong.” Then she turned to me and said, “Oh wait, you’re not gay are you? No offense.” I laughed it off and said, “No, I’m not gay, but my girlfriend is.” Best. Line. Evar. Too bad I didn’t actually have a girlfriend at the time :-(. Although I never did clarify whether I was kidding or not. After that though, I just didn’t discuss my sexuality at work, until this girl Sam started working there. I had the hugest crush on Sam, and flirted with her hardcore but she had a girlfriend, sadly, and then stopped working there not long after she had started :-(.

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