stupid hacker…

hmm… when i go to my *Favorite Diaries* page (which i have included myself on) it says that my most recent diary entry was my entry from the beginning of august… however when i actually go to look at my entries, the most recent one that it can find (other than this one, of course) is the one that i wrote in mid-july after my trip to puerto rico… *sigh* i just want my diary back 🙁 and i recall having a conversation with alex not too long ago, where he told me that i didn’t need to back up my diary because they automatically do it…. ok sure, until something malfunctions and they can’t replace stuff…. i just can’t wait for the rest of my diary to reappear 🙁


PS: what kind of good-for-nothing hacker would attack a free diary site anyway? what could they possibly have to gain from such a vicious attack?

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