still holding out hope…

i refuse to accept, much like cnn and kerry himself, that ohio is going bush… i have been following the election non-stop since 8am this morning–er, um, yesterday– i’ve been following the campaigns since before the primaries started… i’ve been watching polls and reading articles by conservatives, liberals, and non-partisans… and from what i’ve seen and been following, how the fuck can bush win? this isn’t fucking possible! how stupid are the american people? although i must say that i don’t think that kerry would be any better as a president… i based my vote mostly on an ‘anti-bush’ vote than a ‘pro-kerry’ vote… i do agree with kerry on the majority of the issues… but that doesn’t really say much i suppose, b/c as his opponents have mentioned numerous times (in fact they won’t let it go) kerry’s stance on all of the issues isn’t really that clear, being as he tends to revise his stance as new information becomes available to him, and i can see how that might be considered ‘flip-flopping’… but honestly, is either of these men really right for our country right now? i was willing to give kerry a chance, since in my opinion bush had his chance and fucked it up… but i guess we’ll just have to see how bush does in the next four years… again, i’m still holding out hope, but its not lookin too good for us :- and why the fuck is it taking so long for ohio to count the fucking votes?? *sigh* going to bed now :- hoping to wake up to a world that knows who’s leading the most powerful country in the world for the next four years


PS: why the fuck are ppl voting against gay marriage? what is wrong with this country when people can’t separate religion and politics?? HELLO people… its called SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE for a reason!! whatthefuckever :-

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November 2, 2004

Bush is a dickhead, and I’m going to kill him. Want to help? I can’t believe I actually thought there was a chance that America wouldn’t screw itself again in this election. How wrong I was.n entry one time that said “even when I am 36 and your 33 I will always expect you to reach to hold my hand as we cross the street” I still think she is that 6 year old that pesterd me all the time!

omg, i totally know .. it sucks so bad .. i wish ohio would get the damn votes counted .. and i can NOT believe it looks like bush is going to win!! :(:( .. im going to cry if he wins .. stupid america ..