snippets from recent conversations.
Since clearly i suck at writing lately, and the only way I have been expressing the thoughts foremost on mind is in IM conversations with friends….
(8:18:51 PM) Jen: last week at work, the lightbulb on the desklamp blew out and i replaced it with a bulb that claimed it would last 1500 hours.
(8:19:15 PM) Timmy: How many hours has it lasted?
(8:19:28 PM) Jen: so because i have such an awesome life, i calculated exactly when we could expect it to blow out, given that it’s turned on and off at certain predictable times during the day
(8:20:17 PM) Jen: saturday, september 13th, at 8pm
(12:16:37 AM) Maygan: what if people dont like me
(12:16:40 AM) Maygan: or i cant do it
(12:16:42 AM) Jen: people like you.
(12:16:44 AM) Jen: you can do it
(12:17:03 AM) Jen: you have to learn how to do affirmations
(12:17:18 AM) Jen: it sounds cheesey but it really works
(12:17:26 AM) Jen: tell yourself everyday that you are successful
(12:17:30 AM) Jen: that you’re beautiful
(12:17:33 AM) Jen: that people like you
(12:17:38 AM) Jen: that you deserve to be happy
(12:17:58 AM) Jen: if you tell yourself that kind of stuff enough, it really will be true
(12:18:03 AM) Jen: but you have to do it every days
(12:18:03 AM) Maygan: you think
(12:18:06 AM) Jen: i know
(12:18:14 AM) Jen: there are whole books written about stuff like that
(12:18:22 AM) Maygan: lol
(12:18:36 AM) Jen: we had a whole class about positive affirmation as part of my career development class
(12:20:14 AM) Maygan: you think if i keep telling myself im losing weight itll happen
(12:20:24 AM) Jen: yup
(12:20:37 AM) Maygan: haha i dont
(8:39:50 PM) Jen: i wish i had a whistling teakettle
(8:40:06 PM) Timmy: They make non-whistling teakettles?
(8:40:30 PM) Jen: oh i don’t know. i was just lamenting my total lack of a teakettle whatsoever
(12:23:07 PM) Jen: i saw the sex and the city movie the other day 🙂
(12:23:23 PM) Alex: don’t give it away, i’m supposed to watch it this weekend!
(12:23:31 PM) Jen: lol okay, i won’t give it away
(12:23:38 PM) Jen: but it got me to thinking about something
(12:23:47 PM) Jen: regarding getting engaged
(12:25:38 PM) Jen: as romantically idealistic it is to be completely surprised, shocked and thrown off guard by your significant other “Popping The Question” with no knowledge before hand that it’s coming…. isn’t it more realistic to actually have a discussion (or several) before hand?
(12:26:33 PM) Jen: like randy and i aren’t officially engaged, but we’re already talking about where we’re going to live, how many kids we want to have, how financial things are going to work….
(12:27:00 PM) Jen: so when he does eventually propose, it’s not like it’ll be unexpected
(12:27:20 PM) Jen: i mean, don’t people talk about these things?
(12:27:30 PM) Jen: a proposal shouldn’t be unexpected, imo
(12:37:06 PM) Jen: what i mean by not discussing, is when two people are dating, for any length of time, and one party is absolutely clueless that the other one is even close to considering marriage
(12:37:30 PM) Jen: when said party then “pops the question” its like it comes out of left field
(12:37:36 PM) Jen: like… whoa… where did that come from?
(12:37:44 PM) Jen: like… when aidan proposed to carrie (In the series)
(11:14:04 PM) Maygan: you wanna know something random and gross
(11:14:40 PM) Jen: surely
(11:14:50 PM) Maygan: i have stinky gas
(11:16:16 PM) Jen: nice.
(11:16:23 PM) Maygan: lol
(11:16:30 PM) Maygan: jens like EWWWWWWWWWWWW
(11:17:05 PM) Jen: i could be weird, but i like it when i have stinky gas
(11:17:10 PM) Jen: i like the smell of my own gas?
(11:17:16 PM) Maygan: yea i know what you mean
(11:17:27 PM) Maygan: i let one in the car though, mike and chris had their heads out the windows lol
(11:17:34 PM) Maygan: i thought it was HILLLLARIOUUSS
i agree with your sex in the city conversation. i think two peopel NEED to talk about those things before the question is popped! i mean, they have to know they both want marraige…otherwise one person could make a HUGE arse of themself. i mean, telling them the exact time/place and everything they will propose isnt necessary, but those kids/financial details, so important!
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i agree on engagement deal
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Considering I was 3 months pregnant when Adam proposed . . . no, it wasn’t much of a shock 😉
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Im laughing too hard at the last conversation to even comment. roflmao
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