
its a combonation of a few different things, but i’m *extremely* emotional right now. thing one is, kate and i have now finished season two of our ongoing alias marathon… for those of you that don’t watch the show, at the end of season two, the main character wakes up in a warehouse in hong kong, only to find that two years have passed without her recollection of any of it, and in the meantime, her b/f got married to someone else… the character that plays her b/f on the show was one of my favorite characters, and i thought that they were gonna be together forever, so i was just a lil upset to find out that he’d given up on her so quickly– i guess it seems kind of silly to get so emotional over a television series, but i get really involved in tv shows and movies to the point where it feels like i know the characters.. yea, i know, i’m a loon… thing two is alex’s diary entry (which i just read) stemming from a fight that he and carlin have been having… and in the section where he writes “sensitive people should skip this section” i ignored the warning and went ahead and read it anyway… and in it i see elements of what started to happen to me and ryan before we broke up, and basically just all of those feelings came rushing back to me… thing three–finals start in just a few days, so needless to say, i’m more than a little stressed out… and thing four– *checks the calendar*– yea, thing four, i’m PMS-ing … ugh, i can’t stop crying… i need to stop like now, b/c otherwise my eyes are gonna be all puffy and swollen in the morning… geez … i wish i could just crawl into a hole and fall asleep and wake up two years later … i’m really starting to think that it might have been a good idea to take off for a year before starting college, figure some shit out… then again, that could just be the hormones talking… ugh… now i just feel like screaming… stupid goddam hormones… ok, i’m shutting up now :-X


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DONT take a year off!!!! Everyone who “took a year off” that I know, myself encluded never went…and I am TOTALLY kicking myself for it now. Yo just think, college is totally new, and all the shit that made you sad in HS will be gone! Hope u feel better!!! *JKO