*revision to previous entry*

ok, jm made it sound like it was all carlini, but it was def her that brought up the “raunchy sex talk” … here’s how the JM-carlini convo *really* went…

carlinifediccini: wheres
ur dad living?

horsehugger1: in my
mom’s room

carlinifediccini: i’m
hoping ur moms living w/ him

horsehugger1: lol

horsehugger1: yeah

carlinifediccini: k

carlinifediccini: cuz
her only other option was one of the stalls

carlinifediccini: being
as u appear to be in ur room

horsehugger1: LOL

horsehugger1: i’ll
go live in a stall…it’s bigger than my room neways :-

carlinifediccini: lol

carlinifediccini: but
then were would rava live?

horsehugger1: we
have 4 stalls

horsehugger1: he
could live wherever he wants

horsehugger1: and i
could have two if i wanted

carlinifediccini: are
they empty enough for living?

horsehugger1: of

carlinifediccini: good

horsehugger1: they
have sawdust in them, but that’s clean, so it’s all good

carlinifediccini: definately

carlinifediccini: do

horsehugger1: i
could get a horse blanket and be *so* warm

horsehugger1: i
could actually sleep w/ my horse

carlinifediccini: and
then u can say ur grandma kicked you out of ur house

horsehugger1: er, in
the same stall

horsehugger1: i

horsehugger1: my
horse would be warm

horsehugger1: and he
would share his blanket

carlinifediccini: and
ur mother wouldn’t have to sleep w/ ur father, and all would be happy

carlinifediccini: lol

horsehugger1: lol

horsehugger1: my
father makes lots of noise

horsehugger1: :-

carlinifediccini: lol

horsehugger1: my
horse is quiet 😀

carlinifediccini: good

horsehugger1: well,
he snores sometimes

horsehugger1: but
only a li’l bit

carlinifediccini: once
more it is proven that animals are better then men

horsehugger1: lol

horsehugger1: heck
yeah 😛

horsehugger1: and if
u were to say ur "riding" ur horse, it is not taken as a sexual

horsehugger1: 😛

carlinifediccini: omg

carlinifediccini: thats
so bad

horsehugger1: lol

carlinifediccini: JM
ur mind as been like perverted

horsehugger1: no, i
was kidding

carlinifediccini: i
totally would not have even thought of that

horsehugger1: i’ve
heard that there’s a song called "save a horse, ride a cowboy"

horsehugger1: i have
never heard the sone

horsehugger1: *song

carlinifediccini: check
out JT’s diary entry and the note i left

carlinifediccini: dude
i like that song

horsehugger1: ok

horsehugger1: never
heard it

horsehugger1: but
that fits

carlinifediccini: its

carlinifediccini: it

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