party time!!
Carlini had a random party today… wierd, and yet fun
guesstures, Twister, jenga, pit, chess, cheerleadin and DM stuff, Carol of the Bells, Carlini’s audition peices, then sending us all safely home… *sigh*
at first i thot it was gonna be like our *normal* (and i use that term very loosely here) so-called-parties– just a little get-together with our usual crew… but then other people showed up… boys showed up
it was only alex and ryan… but being as we still aren’t sure what (if anything) is going on b/w carlini and sweeny (it even rhymes!) it made for an interesting evening filled with sidebar comments and double meanings (such as “gym class” and “he’ll have to read a book about it first”…lol) combine that with the fact that we can all clearly see that alex is not completely (extra stress on the completely, b/c i’m pretty sure he’s trying) over a certain somebody, despite that he claims/claimed to have been… and twister didn’t help much, i’m sure…
so what was my point? i don’t think i really had one, but for some reason i feel compelled to write in this blasted thing every day…
peace out… til something more interesting happens