NaNoWriMo NoJoMo!!!

Yup, you heard me right. NoJoMo. I’m sure you’ve heard of NaNoWriMo, right? you haven’t???? what rock have you been living under?? Okay, I best start at the beginning. NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month which occurs every year in November. Go Here I really really really wanted to participate this year, but I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to fully commit to writing 50,000 words in a month. I mean, I’m pretty sure I write about that much in a month anyway, but of course it’s not in novel form; it’s in the form of diary entries, poems, surveys, and the occasional letter.

So enter diarist Sweet Francesca who’s come up with a novel (*giggle*, get it?) idea. Instead of NaNoWriMo, what if we make a November Journalling Month, a.k.a. NoJoMo? There’s only one rule: Write an entry every day for the month of November. An entry can be anything.. it can be a song, a poem, a picture, a single word. Just as long as you do one, every day.

As soon as I heard about this idea, of course I signed up for it post-haste. I meant to write an entry about it a few days ago, but there’s still time!! Just go either here or here to sign up. There’s nifty icons you can yoink to post on your diary (you may have already noticed I posted one on my front page), and there will be another fun icon at the end for anyone who completes NoJoMo. But why are you still here listening to me babble? Go sign up!! Gooooooooo!!!

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Hi! I am glad you are doing the journay month . I know you will do a good job. I can’t wait till yuor on the boards again . luv serenityblue