mer. +boy pic

Mer. I hate when I write partially or wholly self-analytical entries that come out sounding way more depressed or… what’s the word i’m looking for… obsessed? not quite… than I actually am. Last entry (now private) is a case-in-point. That’s why i set it to no notes, because I didn’t need a bajillion people telling me “you’re not fat!” when i already know i’m not fat. ya know?

Anywho. What else. I came home for the weekend. No reason. Just because. I’m missing randy like crazy (yea i know, i just saw him yesterday), but i don’t want to write all my ushy-mushy, ooey-gooey, sickeningly sweet thoughts. I will, however, show a picture.

And before anyone asks, he’s puerto rican. I keep telling him he looks like a terrorist with that beard but *sigh* what can ya do? boys 😛

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Is that you and your bf or is Randy not your bf. I see you don’t note me much. Why is that? That is good you think my idea to switch the purses around so that my mom sees the one she bought me and your bf’s dad sees the one he got me is a good idea. You probably are right that no matter which one I take, there’s always a chance that the airport will search it.