lost in a moment

its funny how i go through the day and certain things appeal to me as to a topic to write about here, b/c somethings made me either incredibly happy, or sad, or frustrated, or angry; then almost as quickly as the problem arose it solved itself, or as quickly as whatever good thing that occurred came about, something else happened to make it seem less important, or just not as worthy of writing about… for instance today, i got called by my boss at about quarter to 4 saying i was supposed to have been there at 3:30… i had no recollection of such a thing, and went back and looked at the paper where i’d written my schedule, and according to it, i wasn’t on the schedule today. so on the way to work i was all angry and actually rather seething, and planning on writing an entry about what liars and manipulators the ppl at redner’s are, and thinking (rather paranoid-ishly) that somebody prolly no-call no-showed, and since they knew that i wouldn’t be doing anything but sitting in my pj’s watching Ellen DeGeneres, they’d *tweak* the schedule and make it look like it was me… of course when i got to work, i found out that i’d simply read the day wrong on the schedule–instead of working tuesday from 3:30-7:30 (as i’d written down) i was scheduled monday3:30-7:30…. i was off by a day (which means i also wrote down wednesday 9-2:30 instead of tuesday 9-2:30) … of course that was rather anticlimactic… *life* is anticlimactic … i think i had more that i wanted to say– but i started thinking already, and since i banned myself from thinking, for now i bid thee adieu

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January 11, 2005

I agree with you… life is always anticlimactic. I do the same thing. I go through my day… noticing odd things in order to write about them later… but I usually just forget about them.

down with thinking!

January 11, 2005

hey i left a signed note stupid server

January 11, 2005

oh by the way i just now, after that first ordeal, have seen ur note. whats ryn? sounds like ryan to me but my name is definately not ryan. And also oh by the way such threats mean nothing to me *mwahahahaha* thUs! i shall continue to complain all i want. So there. HA

thanks for letting me know hun *hug* xLUCYx