i miss my puppy

last week my mommy called and told me that my precious baby simba needs surgery :-(. he’s been really sick lately, and over the summer the vet gave him some antibiotics… he feels better when he’s on them, but when his prescription ran out, he got sick again :-(. so the vet gave him some more and then told my mommy that he was gonna need surgeries to make him all better… i told mommy that i’d pay for half of it, and she didn’t want me to, but she says that if she still needs the money when it comes time for his surgery (which won’t be until he finishes the second bottle of pills) then she’ll take it… i just want my poor poor baby to be all better… its killing me that i can’t see him and hold him everyday… i didn’t realize just how much i missed him until yesterday i was showing kate and dave pictures of my baby and i looked at that face and i just burst into tears 🙁

isn’t that the cutest face you’ve ever seen?? :,(


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yes, that is a very cute puppy!

November 8, 2004

I’m so sorry your puppy needs surgery! I have a kitty and I love her to death. I know how I would feel if she was sick. Your puppy is very cute.