funny quiz thingy

You are pink. You are in limbo. Not pure and manipulated like white, not impure and noble like red. You are unsure of your real identity, but whatever you chose it to be, you can be it. That is your power. You change everyone you touch, and everyone remembers you. In literature, pink represents the place between heaven and hell. You are the one we will never forget.

What inner color are you?

<FONT SIZE= "-1"Quiz by Shirono

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May 8, 2005

I am blue. You are somewhat innocent, in the fact that your genius only extends to the physical world. I have a false sense of contentness. I am usually the quiet one, the genius. Everyone can count on me to help when they have problems, but I only fall short of being able to solve my own.

May 10, 2005

I am pink