
its not fair… its just so unbelievably unfair…. two months worth of entries just gone… completely wiped out of the system… entries that i had poured my heart and soul into… entries expressing my love for family and friends, anxiety over and excitement for college… thoughtful notes from beloved friends… all completely gone, because i trusted this online site with my deepest most precious thoughts and feelings… and i know its not opendiary’s fault that i will never ever EVER be able to recover these entries and notes, but i still cant help being overwhelmingly sad and upset about this (dare i say it) tragic turn of events… and the most upsetting thing of all is that of course this all happened only months after i had remarked to one of my friends that i should make my own backup copies of my entries and he told me that there was no need to do so b/c opendiary backed everything up… this is the most upsetting thing that has happened to me in awhile.. i am literally crying as i write this… the entries that i wrote during what is quite possibly one of the biggest transition times in my life are utterly gone forever… i never realized how important it was to me that i be able to look back on such entries and see how i’ve changed and grown… and now i know that its one of the most important things in the world to me… i still have diaries (hard copies, not online ones) from when i was in 5th and 6th grade… i wanted to be able to share these diaries with my children one day, so that they would know that they aren’t alone in what they’re going through… i want to be able to look back on these to remind myself of what i went through, so i can try not to make the same mistakes that i feel my parents made… and two months may not seem like a lot, but for me, it feels like two months of my life have literally been stolen away from me…


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October 17, 2004

I miss my entries too 🙁 im audrey by the way. randomly came by your diary and thought i say hi. love the next entry by the way. 😉

October 19, 2004

JT…watch ur language missy…somehow i missed that before…maybe i’m goin blind…and besides if you want to show these to ur children well, you prolly don’t want them saying such things….tisk tisk…ok thats enough from me for now…luv ya dearie