Day One
Ok, i can deal with not going on the game site… really, its only day one, i’d have to be some kind of freak to not have enough will power to deal with even the first day! and that’s really what this is about for me… it’s about willpower. Last year i gave up chocolate, which sounds hard, but when there really isn’t that much chocolate around it doesn’t bother you… the only major alteration to my routine was drinking strawberry flavored milk at lunch instead of the chocolate stuff. the true test of willpower is having something almost constantly shoved in your face, wanting it, and still resisting it. I am on the computer a LOT of the time.. you don’t realize it when you actually have something to do, but now that i’ve given up my favorite site, i realized how little of import i actually do on the computer! its not like i read the news, or check stocks, or do research, or homework, or ANYTHING at all. Generally all i do is chat and IM, plus my games…. the computer is actually kind of boring when there’s nothing to do… so i’m going to do what i said i was going to do yesterday… i shall fill my now free time with reading. therefore… i am off to go read a book… chao muchachos