brought to you by the letter T

<–real (ish) entry that way

If you want to play, let me know, and I will give you a letter. Write five words beginning with that letter in your journal, including an explanation of what the word means to you and why, and then pass out letters to those who want to play along.

I got my letter from ahirumoo. And I am “T”:

Twizzler: My nickname for as long as I can remember, because of it’s similarity to my actual last name. A boy in 7th grade once found out the hard way to never ask me if I “make mouths happy.” (as per Twizzler’s motto).

Three: My mom was one of three children, my dad was one of three children, I am one of three children and we (had) three dogs. Three’s just the magic number, lol 🙂

Tetley: Tiny little tea leaves. Iced Tea. Homemade. The.Best.Evar. Need I say more?

Toaster: I didn’t have one. Mom said she’d get me one. Resulted in me having not only a toaster, but a crockpot and a coffeepot. Silly mom. -)

Tips: As in, there are never enough. I never realized until working as a waitress. Don’t be cheap people, seriously. And don’t ever mess with the people that deal with your food 😛 😉 (j/k. no, seriously though…)

*HUGS* TOTAL!give rahrah24seven more *HUGS*
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I need to keep you wiggling in your seat…~scott~

oooh! i want a letter! maybe i’ll actually update for the first time since like january if i get a (good) letter :-p