
well today started out pretty ok… its thursday, which means no classes til noon, which is always a good thing… lecture ended early, also a good thing… i had some meaningful conversation with carlini today 😉 … i got to watch my soap opera b/c i didn’t have any classes from 2-3… got an email from fallon that cheerleading practice got pushed back a half hour… and mfl lab ended early… all aspects of a pretty good day…
then kate comes in… she’s got sushi and twister… i ate some of her sushi… then i went over to the fridge to get somethin to drink… meanwhile, kate’s twister (bright red, mind you) is sitting open upon the edge of my desk… because of how i have to maneuver around the chair she is sitting in, i bump the open bottle of twister on my way back to my chair and *boom* … red twister all over my carpet, my papers, my sneakers, and my favorite pair of shoes… *sigh* and now my room smells of it :- … again, the day started out pretty ok…


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A call upon the citizenry for a Non-Violent Cultural Revolution within the United States of America has been made. . As a creative and free thinking individual, are you willing to ponder what needs to change, and what it needs to change to? . Are you willing to use your talents to fight the repression of Free Thought, and the monitoring and censorship of Creative Expression?

November 11, 2004

whats with that other note? i don’t get it…oh well

November 11, 2004

when JT says “meaningful conversation” this is what she means: her: well i know that when ppl here have their significant others visit, theres lotsa things they like to do *wink*wink* 😉 me: dude thats true cept we’re talkin bout me her: right…how very true me: and besides i’d have to get red of rachael somehow her: lol, thats true *to be continued*

November 11, 2004

her: and while *get lost so i can screw my b/f* works quie effectively here, i’m not so sure that it’d go over too well there 😛 me: hmm…i’m desturbed ~a bit later~ her: i’m still a good girl O:-) her: barely :-p