
to my loyal readers (all 6 of you)–

i love y’all to death, but i’m thinking that too many people read my diary… there’s lots of things that i’d like to say in here, but then i think, “oh what would so-and-so think if i said *that*?” and i know i shouldn’t worry about what other people think of me but i do, especially when its all *you* people… plus my mom and my sisters…. theres just stuff about me that i’d (strange as it sounds) be more comfortable with you knowing if you didn’t know who i was… does that sound odd? i mean, i feel more comfortable with complete strangers reading my diary than you people, the people that i love… i suppose on some level this means that i still don’t feel like i can be myself around you… i wish i had some level of anonymity with this diary, which i could obtain by creating a separate diary that i wouldn’t tell you about, but i guess i’m just too lazy to do that… so on that note, i guess what i’m saying is that if what you read in here over the next few months is something you find strange or shocking, please don’t judge me…
and please, whatever i say here *stays* here (unless *i* bring it up)


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January 1, 2005

Sounds good. Take care.

January 2, 2005

i know how you feel dearie

January 3, 2005

everything you say on here, is safe with us!

February 2, 2006

Words to live by . . . Vegas, baby, VEGAS!!