Yeah for the Hell Cats.
I few years ago he had asked us to return a german bayonet that he had given Hub or I to donate to a WWII museum which of course we did. Today we went there and WOW was I impressed and so proud of my fil. I guess I did not realize how much he had donated.
The coolest thing was take pictures during war time. Many pics you see of soldiers during that time was taken before they went or after they returned but he took pictures and then traded his ciggies to some guy that had a pharmacy for the chemicals to develope the pictures. He spoke of rinsing them in the watering trough for the horses. The end being he has pictures that are priceless. They are all in the museum. Doh, what I didn’t know is I actually have them also on a cd. He gives me so many pictures that I must admit I have not looked at them all but I do have a few old family pics placed about our digs.
His friend is here that was a medic and he was wonderful to talk to but it was sad but good but he had been at a concentration camp. I guess the germans where in the process of burning bodies and others still alive and dead were stacked like cords of would on trains to be taken away and then the plan was to destroy the camp like it never existed. They saved very few people but what they did save is the proof that it all happened.
Yeah for the Hell Cats! What I also didn’t know was that fil was a corporal and the navy and airforce had turned him down when he was called for duty because he needed dental work. The army had no one to pass people. The army got a genius and picked him out to attend Texas A&M for some crap that became useful for them. He letter attended another college for his degree.
MIL is very frail, she has lukemia and is on mild chemo and has blood tranfusions every month and has some parkinson like desease. FIL is a stubborn man and fails to see how frail she is. She completely broke down last night and swore she was not getting by in the van we rented because she was sore from being lifted into it. She cannot do it by herself. So I made Hub take me out this morning and we bought a step stool and a wheelchair for her and she was so happy all day long and was still in great spirits this evening. I think we may have just changed her life.
They are both so frail. Fil is a man that hates fat people and he is so under weight 145 lbs he weighs. He has cancer but will mostly die of some else before the cancer gets him. But that damn man is bull headed.
It reminded me of a fave that recently got sick and is underweight. It is hard to believe that people are so stubborn and narrow minded to think that being a stick person is good or looks good. I don’t get it. My friend that lived to 99 was tall man like fil and he kept is weight up and sure did a lot better that fil is doing. Fat people have always discusted him. He didn’t even like his sister because she was plump. I am not a stick person, never was and never will be so hate me but it is silly.
And as a woman I don’t like stick men. I like to know there is a man there. I like to know they have muscle and letting their body eat it up from them. Of course that is just my opinion but is there really any other opinion that counts….hahahaha.
I also met a guy today that his father was killed in the war and then his mother died. His dads army buddy raised him and that is how he became involved in this whole gig. He has a big long beard and asked me if I wanted to touch it. Ummmm no.
A hot good day here in Texas.
Oh and LOL, I was in walmart today, in the bathroom and I here a little old ladies voice asking "honey can you help me". LOL, I can’t get away from caregiving. I told her tell me when you are ready and I went in and helped get her off the pot. Thank goodness she could pull up her own drawers! She thanked me, it was cute.
You are one of life’s treasures. Be well, dear friend.
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Thank God you were there – and you helped her. You’ll get some great karma out of that one.
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Only in Walmart! LOL How cool to those priceless pieces of history. Your FIL would REALLY hate me! LMAO (((hugs)))
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i like looking at old war pics; they’re fascinating in a sad kinda way, ya know? oy, that was so nice of you to help the lady up.
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You should post some of the pictures you have on this subject! I’m sure we would all be interested.
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Cool. I bet you have learned/can learn a lot from FIL.
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LOL I would have died if an old lady asked me that. you are a saint.
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caregiving is always a good thing.. it makes us feel like we are making a difference in a place that needs it.. kudos to you for having that kind of heart… hugs
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