My Christmas Story



Christmas 2008

My Christmas story, it is truly adorable. Between the couch and an inflatable mattress they had made camp in the front room by the tree thinking their chances of seeing they big red guy were astronomical. They tracked him on the internet, the 2 youngest snug around me. *is your heart melting yet? Mine is. Carrots were put on the roof for the rain dear. Well, they were tossed in that direction anyway. Milk and cookies were then set in just the perfect place to catch a look at him. Finally after several more checks on Norad Santa was in South America and they decided that was close enough they had better get to bed!

Then I am left thinking sh!@ how were we to set out presents with them in the room. We decided which room was best and then went about business of wrapping crap and then not remembering who it was for. Hub wrapped while I was suppose mark each gift because I knew what was who’s. But…he got ahead of me. Oh well it all worked out. Stocking were stuffed with all sorts of goodies. I then went about writing a letter telling them what good boys they are and how busy Santa loves celebrating his friend Jesus Birthday. It was just a little over 1 page.

The morning arrived, I was walking down the hallway when I hear “awe man, we must have been on the naughty list!”. The I hear “It’s a letter!” (little guy found it and had passed it upward to biggest brother rank.) I hear “It is from Santa!”. “There’s 2 pages!!!”. I could tell they didn’t know what to think but that letter was important. So Santa finally got though all his hello’s…Turn the page. PS sorry about leaving presents the other room but he was in a hurry and new that they would understand.

“Presents!” and they head off in different directions to find they unknown. Then came the call “I found them”! 11 had come around the corner and spotted me in the hallway, I of course faked I had heard a thing. I was in formed of the letter and then we headed toward the call of presents! Let the paper fly, 2 of the took the time to stopped and examine the booty. 5 began ripping into the first present he could get his hand onto. All the paper landed and everyone was happy. It was a fricken blast!.

It was all too sweet!


I could go on and on about the hundreds of cute ways kids see the world 🙂 

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December 30, 2008

oh that makes me want to cry their faithfulness to the belief is just amazing

December 30, 2008

Jenn, you are simply amazing. You made these children the happiest they probably ever have been. 🙂

December 31, 2008

This makes me miss having little kids around. 🙂

That’s so sweet and cute. I almost wish my kids were that young still to get excited about Christmas though they do humor me and talk about Santa coming. 🙂

December 31, 2008

Why not do that? See what you miss as you get older. heheheheheh Be well, dear friend.

January 2, 2009

now THAT was absolutely adorable. :0) i finally had to break it to 11 year old Peanut that Santa wasn’t real. he’s going to 7th grade next year, and i don’t want him fighting. LOL

I’m so glad they still believe! I bet they were vastly relieved to find the stash in the other room! You made Christmas wonderful this year for those kids. You did your part and then some.

January 5, 2009

Let me just say this about….ooohhh… the name you mentioned. About drama. She thrives on it but I refuse to let her include me in it…I just watch that one like a trainwreck soap opera, y’know? Not a huge, scary part of it all, though..she’s pretty mellow.

January 9, 2009

RYN: Thanks, Jenna for your notes…you’re always SO sweet and awesome to me. 🙂 I’m reading your entry now.

January 9, 2009

That is truthfully AWESOME! I wish for the day when that kind of excitement comes back into this household or at least becomes something I might have a hand in. This year was anti-climactic as Hubby didn’t surprise me as we usually do every year for each other. I think #1 son felt the same way knowing what “Santa” was bringing. Next year we will try harder. 🙂

January 10, 2009

How the heck did I miss this entry?? What a very sweet story and you are such an amazing woman! Christmas is just totally different when little ones are around. I’m so glad they have you in their lives. (((HUGS)))