Kwami and the KKK
The mayor can’t seem to keep his ass out of trouble, he has racked up so many felonies I have lost count. For an attorney he sure is dumb or just cocky. He is out and bond and leaves the country. Granted the country right next door, just across the river but he knows the law and it would have been easy for him to get the courts permission. Since he didn’t have the sence to keep his mouth shut in court anyway he may as well have just gotten the judges approval and kept his ass out of jail.
Will Detroit ever get out of the pits….grrrrrrr, as a tax payer I am sick of that city and think we should try and sell it to Canada. That city sucks rest of the state dry and since I live in the county that pays for most of the state I should have a say and I say, raise the river and drown detroit! Note the people in it, just the city.
So the KKK is backing Obama as proof this county has lost country. WTF? That is so stupid, I think the klan is so outdated they need a push into present times. In fact, put the Klan in Detroit and then sell it to Canada or just sink the city even better.
I better do something soon or I will not be able to vote in this state, I am registered in Cali. I know I can vote by absentee but that sounds like a hassle.
Anyway, have a Great Sunday all. I will be busy busy busy burning energy so hopefully by the end of the day I won’t feel bitchy.
RYN, thanks. I’m watching what happens to the mayor of Detroit too.. amazing story line as you say. I used to live in detroit years ago. Everytime I pick up the papers I am floored by another story. One wonders what to rely on anymore for stability. Maybe stability is an illusion, who knows?
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I haven’t even been keeping up on much of the news just because it feels good every once in a while to just bury your head in the sand. Just for a short time, but still..Kwami and the KKK sounds like a bad pilot for a new show on BET. *LMAO* And girl, I knew you’d be reading my diary entry so I had to throw in the obligatory once-a-year actual spanking story. I’m sure I have some better onesthan this one, though. Lately, not-so-true, but I do have some doozies! Woohoo! That’s why I married this Man..Couldn’t let the Man who gave me the most amazing beating of my life get away, could I? *Laughs* It was actually between Him and the Lawyer who introduced me to the Violet Wand..*fans myself* And thanks for the compliment. I feel fat and ugh..and I’ve never posted my pic here. Thought I’d take a chance. First one who’s mean to me, though, I will stab. I adore you. Take care.
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No way in hell Canada would even offer a <s)dime nickel for Detroit. You would be better off trying to sell it to Moscow as a suburb. They have a big mafia influnece there. A good fit. Be well, my dear friend.
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Well, I hate to say it, but the residents make the city. I’ve been to Detroit a zillion times. I love that city.
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RYN: Thank you so much for your note. By pills, I meant I know some doctors (psychiatrists) always want to medicate the problem and throw anti-depressants on someone. I’ve never taken any pills, but I’ve done talk therapy twice with different doctors and it helped immensely both times. My problem is alcohol and lots of it. I know pills help a lot of people. I don’t think they would help me. I think my sadness comes from lack of support from my boss, her narcissistic tendancies and that I do most of the grunt work in the department and she and my arch nemesis the Part-Time Legal Clerk sit on their asses and talk about menopause and herbs and supplements. But yes, I would go to the Employee Assistance Program again and get help if I don’t seem to be getting out of there soon. I can’t go back to drinking. No solution and I have come all this way! Thanks so much for your support, Jenn. I respect you so much.
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LOL!!! won’t the KKK be shocked when their votes make Obama president?! idiots. they’ve all got african ancestory and refuse to believe it.
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Mental Health to me is a fascinating field, so broad and people need so much help there. I remember reading a book by a guy named A.A. Brill who early in the 20th century was head of N.Y. City Mental Hospital that really moved me–it was Lectures of Psychoanalysis, great lectures. I keep wanting to write an article for local publication here on DSM-IV Diagnostic Guidelines on Mental Illness. Iwant to use some quotes from Shakespeare’s Tempest to do it. Must tie it into the law, cause my articles are on aspects of the law. It’s always intersted me that the law must be atuned to people in all their diversity and do it fairly. Sounds like you’ve had interesting work—thanks for your notes.
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