Jennarella for President!

My platform? Well it goes something like this.

First all companies must be run and done in the USA, sorry but out sourcing is gone for a while. Now, understand this won’t be easy because nothing good ever is.

No imported food. Great concentration will be put into planting, growing and harvesting and feeding all. I will use the prison stystem to put this in place and any abled body lazy ass.

Speaking of lazy asses, lets talk welfare and medical for those that in need. Only productive members of society will be afforded any help. If you do not want to help in any way or you are going to attempt stonewalling for the good of others, you  will just die which weans out a bunch of losers anyway. If you are poor and need medical, no problem, but here is the deal. If you want to stay at home and not work then that means you better be bringing up A plus kids, then you get all the medical you need. Or you can do other things, like help with the old and disabled and sick. That alone will get you medical, food and shelter. Of course there would be a sliding scale, the more you contribute, the more you get of all good things. Your children will then be raised knowing and being part of a contributing communitiy.

No longer will we pay to keep the cure to cancer a secret or eco friendly power. You will be free to bring it out and brag about it. No one will oust you for it.

Gay people get married if you want but at the same time pologmy (sp) is just fine also. In fact it makes sense for many.

We can already generate enough wind power to supply the world to the power of 10. Ummm do I have any volunteers to do a lil testing. I am not exactly sure what will happen if we harness are the energy. It would have to have some impact on the eco system but I can’t imagine it can be worse than we are doing now.

Hey you….yeah you sitting on your ass….get out and plant a tree and then come join me for lunch.

Threre will be little lawn to mow because everyone will be growing food or raising animals.

Sorry peta but your going to get pissed off at me but we will be raising animals for the meat and hide because we will no longer be supplying you with petro so you may wear plastic. Grow some hemp will you!

All shit will be composted and used. We will no longer waste precious water on flushing crap down an older than hell sewer system.

Oh and none of the prisoners working on farms will be child molesters or wife beater or murders because you will be tried and executed promptly in public. Perhaps in the same fashion you murdered or maimed.

Carry a gun if you feel you must but you better be careful…see above. No more of this nice little shot to put you to sleep.

Walmart….pack your shit, you are going to china and never coming back. Don’t beg, it does not become you.

We will be friends with all countries but you must understand, you are on your own while we get our shit together. Then we will be ready to talk about things only if you are willing to make decisions out of the love of mankind. I would like to help rest of the world at this moment but we must get ourselves in shape first. So hold on those in need that live else where you won’t be forgotten and sorry to those that don’t make it in the mean time but will make it better for those that come after you.

Will there be war……of course because some shit head will no doubt want to test our love. We will blow you away so fast and the country next to you. Hopefully that will scare the countries living next door to the fools will be able to hold them back for their own sakes.

As the world sees us change they will follow and if they don’t that is okay as long as they are kind to their citizens. So countries, I will remind you again to watch your neighboring country and they better be good to their children, women and oldsters.

Now once we are all good again, if you guys want different politcal parties, that is fine and great but you must take turns. You will only be voting for the people in the party whose turn it is to run things. Oh yeah, and you get 6 years and then it is on to the next party. No more of this stupid bullshit we have going on right now. Deal?

Ok, I have went on much longer than intended but there you have it, at least the beginning of my platform…  

The roster will go as follows.


Then we vote to see what order the rest should fall into.

Get ready for change folks….

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August 16, 2008

Girl you have my vote!! Hell I’ll campaign for you!!

August 16, 2008

I cannot in good conscience vote for anyone supporting capital punishment, which has been PROVEN to NOT be a deterent to crime, open ownership of guns, the death of democracy or war. Those things helped get us where we are today. RYN: Americans spend much more on Canadian meds than Canadians spend on medical care here. Those coming here from Canada or any other country only come when a procedure is not available in Canada or any other place in the world. We do have the best health treatments available, but about 13% of Americans have no access to that care. Socialized medicine is alive and working all over the world and we are the only developed country without it. That is a sin or crime or a shame. Take your pick. Be well, dear frend.

August 16, 2008

HAHAHA I love you. I’ll vote for you. Interesting…wind energy having an impact on the eco system? I never thought about that. Anything other than building wind turbines and new energy plants?

August 16, 2008

RYNs: Well just the one of them. heheheheheh Here are the basics for the two major political parties in our country. I think when you understand this, you will know why I am registerd Green Party at present and have been registered Independent for many years. Repulsicans: The party of greed. Gimme, gimme, gimme and let me keep it. To hell with the middle class and the poor and infirm. Shitcan all social programs up to and including Social Security and Medicare. Demoncrats: The party of stupidity. They just cannot seem to get their shit together long enough to support ONE candidate. In a way it is a greed for power and recognition. i.e. Hillary will most likely demand a roll call vote to watch her numbers go up on the board. A unified demoncraic party would call for a voice vote and ALL delegates would vote for Obama to show that unity. I am betting it won’t happen this way, because Hill/Bill have too much ego. We will agree to disagree on the other stuff. You read me, so you know my views anyway. Be well, my treasured friend,

August 16, 2008

fck ’em. i am all for public hangings or chopping off of fingers. i dunno about shitting in my back yard, tho. i’m keeping my toilet. i am sooooo with you on healing the US. before we go out warring to heal the wounds of other countries. we should all follow the Prime Directive (star trek) which is basically “MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS and don’t interfere in the politics, etc. of other countries.” JENNA FOR PRESIDENT!!!!

August 16, 2008

Yeah I wanna keep my toilet too! Otherwise you got my vote. ((hugs))

August 16, 2008

ryn: i would like to be Minister of Torture and Removal of Masculinity. *grins*

ryn: i haven’t touched a ciggerette since july 9th.

August 16, 2008

You got my vote! Now, send me a campaign sign for my front yard :o)

I’d vote for you, too. I’m laughing at the PETA thing. That is so true! Yes, get rid of the child molesters and the wife beaters.

August 18, 2008

RYN: My last entry was part of my “Letters to Makayla” chapter that I keep private. If you want to read them let me know and I’ll give you a pw. This is the latest entry of yours that I see. (((hugs)))

August 18, 2008

I think everyone should help everyone in America that is. We need to take care of all that is wrong here first. I also think there should be a cap on how many kids a person can have. Too many people have more kids than they can afford and the disabled should be helped not condemned but in hypocritical America none of this will ever happen.

August 18, 2008

RYN: The grey or green font (it depends how it shows on your monitor. It is supposed to be charcoal, but shows deep green here) is ALWAYS me writing currently. All blue or red fonts are either me quoting others or my past writings. Blue is those things I generally agree with or jokes and red is for those things I do not support or it is an excpetion to that rule a quote from The Red Road. Easy tofigure out which it may be, eh? Got that? You home yet? Be well my wordy friend. heheheheheh

August 20, 2008
August 21, 2008

Hehehe… A few days in Texas and you’re ready to control the world. I agree with a lot, but have a problem with being judgmental. I look forward to the day when wealth becomes meaningless, which those in control delay in order to enslave us. Governments create wars. 😉 ryn: Yes. Let’s give the dems a turn.