It never rains in Southern California

Boy that was one big fat mistake on that song writers part.

I made a sailboat and put it to sail and down the street it went… yeah that is called littering but it was fun.

How come people are not outraged and pissed off at Obama? Everyone is still happy to talk shit on Bush but Obama is more scary and so corrupt  but God forbid people should say that about a democrate. It is making me sick that I voted for him, I hang my had in shame and shall never cross party lines again.

I am sick of those that are sheep and believe in nothing but carrying on about the last president…get the fuck over it will ya? And wake up to the nightmare we have at hand, the man will not be happy until we have bloodshed on our land and he will still be blaming bush while he holds his head up like god…. I feel like puking and can’t believe the ill feelings I am having toward bush bashers… again, just shut the fuck up and look at what the current idiot is doing. Do you have to live in the past because he is? Sheep sheep sheep sheep.

I guess the good news is he will most likely never make it a second term then ya all can be happy again to live in the present and bitch instead of living in the past.

Speaking of the past… Nostrodamas made a prediction… and here it is before your blind eyes.

Baaaa said the sheep.

Oh yeah…. all is well here, I live in my own happy world and only gets pissed when I see stupid shit.

Yeah, call me a bitch 🙂

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January 23, 2010

Why don’t more people believe that? It’s not actually OBAMA that scares me, it’s the whole roll call of people behind him (supporters?? wtf?) The whole thing just scares me..

January 23, 2010

But I love you for being such a rebel and littering! You go, girl! *laughs* That big, fat lying singer saying it never rains in Southern California. They’re even blaming that **** on a Mexican!! EL Nino!! *falls out laughing and puts a little Mexican flag on my boat and floats it down your way…* I’m gonna leave a little note on my boat in Spanish for you to find, k?

January 24, 2010

Corruption is rampant everywhere, in every political party; and the same people own everyone. It is so easy to hate Bush as he couldnÂ’t even read speeches or handle no-brainers. We need and are overdue for an economic collapse just to get new leadership.

January 25, 2010

rant, jenna, rant…!!! :0) i need to make a sailboat, too.

August 1, 2010

Bitch 😉 Actually, I’m baffled by the fact that people are still surprised and distressed by politicians being shady and corrupt. When have they not been? None of this is new, it’s just the flavor they’re serving this term. I prefer to follow in my idol P.J. O’Rourke’s shoes, I’m an equal opportunity basher. No one gets slack! What do you expect from a libretarian anyway?