Early Call From The BMan
Bossman called me at 8am not understanding why I won’t be teaching for him. I told him I didn’t like his attitude about me missing a class and that I figured out why….his people have my email addy wrong and they seem unable to pick up a phone these days to call or take a call. He was silent on that one but it is true, that office of his is fucking off big time but that ain’t my problem and I don’t care.
Ummmmm…. *hangs head and turns a toe* I did agree to keep teaching for him and he thinks I should start hitting up other companies for classes. I love teaching, I am good at it and the money is good for only a few hours work and it is work I think I could handle over the long run which is much better than the SSD.
Hub says he understands but would rather see me just go for SSD so I don’t worry about this stuff anymore and then go to school if that is what I want to do.
Geez, do I flip flop or what!
A good flip doesn’t suck sometimes. However I must mention how miserable you were doing that for this one guy. Hubby might have a point….at least about that one place.
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Yes, you do. I am going to say this one more time. I AGREE with your husband. And bossman is a manipulator and a very negative force in your life. This has been going on for years. If you MUST work, hook up with those other comapnies (USE the, I think I will call him Bman, bastardman, to get the references and feet in the door) then dump his ass at the curb or just throw him under the bus. Jen, you do not need this negative force in your life. I know exactly how draining they can be. (see today’s entry) You are loved and appreciated, be well.
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meh. it is a woman’s perogative to change her mind. over and over, if we want to! *winks* i think if you love teaching and truly enjoy it, do it!
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yes you do
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